Monday, March 16, 2015

Two down, three to go

It is mid-March and spring break this week. That means there are just four short weeks left in the second semester of operation "make the college degree happen." I'm surprised that this semester is slightly easier to manage than last semester while being totally different. The two online classes this semester have tested my multi-tasking and organizational skills. One way I have been tested is that different family issues have come up and it is all too easy to take care of them first while leaving online assignments to the last minute. That helps the family but causes me a lot more stress. I met with my advisor and determined the order of the rest of my classes. The end is almost in sight!


  1. You bet! You will make it just fine. So thankful for you.

  2. I just saw this! Hope I didn't open it too late. :)

    Your pic looks like ILSE!
